2008 Meeting Minutes
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or additions... Thank you!
October 4th, 2008:
Atlanta, GA Emory's Math/Science Library |
Meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m.
Anita D. Westlake, MAG President |
July 20th, 2008:
Cartersville, GA Tellus Museum meeting room #2 |
Meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m.
Brief Meeting: As promised, we had a brief business meeting in July. We acknowledged our Web-Master Extraordinaire, Sean Murray for all the hours of work he's put in on our web site. If you haven't updated your membership listing yet, you'll be sorry! Wayne Dodd gave a Treasurer's report. (We need to come up with some fund-raising ideas! Jerry Armstrong said he would do a painting for us that we could auction off) I introduced a brand new Georgia "Hammer" but it went over like a lead balloon. Thanks go to Tellus for allowing us to have our meeting there. I sent them a card thanking them for their hospitality, for the tour, and for cooking those wonderful hamburgers and hotdogs!
Lunch: What a feast! You guys were so generous with the food you brought and the homemade desserts! Good-bye diet. I told my doctor I went off my liquid diet just so I could enjoy the picnic and she said "Oh, was it one of those picnics where they hold you down and force food down your throat?" And I said, "Yes, and I hate it when that happens!" Next year, I'm going to bring a cake that looks like it was hit by a meteorite. (Come to think of it, all my cakes look like that.) Anyway, thanks again for your contributions.
Tellus Tour: Next, Jose Santamaria, Director of the Tellus Northwest Georgia Science Museum, and Julian Gray, Curator (and member of MAG), gave a tour of their incredible new facility. We lingered over the area where the meteorites will be displayed (of course) and had the best time traveling through space with David Dundee, Astronomer (and member of MAG) guiding us.
Hal Povenmire: After we walked off the calories, we enjoyed a fine presentation by Hal Povenmire. He talked about the Georgia tektites, "Georgiaites" and the ever-widening strewn field where they are found below the "Fall Line" (Columbus to Macon to Augusta). He encouraged us to volunteer to make a field trip to south Georgia and see if we could find any tektites and broaden the field. Hal said in the beginning the strewn field was around 500 square miles. Now, with Hal's diligent research and hundreds of miles walked, it's over 8,550 square miles. Originally, the Georgiaites were found in only 2 Georgia counties; now it's 22 counties. Years ago, the number of Georgiaites found were only 200. Today, over 2,500 specimens have been found and identified. They are of Upper Eocene time period, around 35.5 million years old. Hal said these Georgia tektites are now linked to the Chesapeake Bay Crater. I awarded Hal an Honorary Membership Certificate designed and framed by Sean Murray. Hal can be reached in various ways:- Snail mail: Hal Povenmire, 215 Osage Dr., Indian Harbour Beach, FL. 32937
- Phone: Home(321) 777-1303 Cell (321) 794-0807
- Email (thru his wife): katiehall@yahoo.com
Hal also talked briefly about the Woodbury, GA crater and showed us on a topo map the outlines of the crater. A visitor, (and new member?), Scott Harris, a geologist, also talked about the Woodbury crater in some detail.
Show/Tell/Trade: After the meeting, we enjoyed looking through the tektites, meteorites and books Hal brought with him. Many of us bought specimens and his books which Hal was kind enough to autograph for us. I bought a shatter-cone from Germany. We had a great time mingling, talking and shopping. Dave Gheesling brought a mountain of meteorites for us to drool over and purchase. Julian Gray finally kicked us out around 5pm. I told him we liked to linger!
New Business: A couple of people mentioned during the meeting that it would nice if MAG members could have their own membership certificate. Once again, Sean has come to the rescue and created one. They will be available at the October meeting, along with membership cards for your wallets. We have decided to have several levels of membership:- Founding Members: Those at the first meeting at Jerry Armstrong's house
- Charter Members: Those who joined during the first year (July 2007-July 2008)
- Lifetime Members: Pay $200.00 and never have to bother with renewals again!
- Honorary Members: People like Hal Povenmire who give talks and have given so much to the field of meteoritics
I'd also like us to have membership badges. Sean thinks this is a little geeky... but I can just imagine how useful they'd be. Say you're at a rock and mineral show with your MAG name badge on. Someone comes up to you and sees "Meteorite Assn. of Ga." and says "Wow! I didn't even know there was such an organization. How do I join?"
Next Meeting: Was tentatively scheduled for Oct 11, 2008 but since that announcement, several people have told me they can't attend. I'm trying to reach Dr. Mike Reynolds, our speaker for October and see if he can change the date. I'll send an email as soon as I know. Dr. Reynolds is the Associate Dean of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Florida Community College at Jacksonville. He's also a really nice guy. He wrote the book Falling Stars. Our own member, Jerry Armstrong, illustrated the cover. Dr. Reynolds will give a talk on his Antarctica expedition and will also bring his book to autograph as well as some meteorites for those of us who can't get enough!
Next Meeting Place: Undecided. If you know of a large place where we can meet, please let me know! Dr. Reynolds said "With gas prices approaching that of lunar meteorites, it might be cheaper to meet on the Moon." (That's an option.)
As always, I look forward to seeing you all again. Let me know if you have any agenda items for October.
Anita D. Westlake, MAG President |
April 26th, 2008:
Marietta, GA Main Board Room |
Meeting was called to order at 11:20 a.m.
MAG Officers: Anita asked for volunteers to fill the following positions: VP (no volunteers), Treasurer (Wayne Dodd), Recording Secretary (Anita will continue for now), Membership Secretary (Richard Graveline), Webmaster (Sean Murray).
Term of Office: for President and other positions was not determined at this meeting.
Cobb County Civic Center Mother's Day Show: Anita will put in a display on meteorites for MAG. Anita (and others) will staff a table at the show and talk about meteorites, bring hand samples, have membership applications available, etc. We will also have applications at the front desk where grab bags are sold. Jerry Armstrong donated a meteorite for the Saturday afternoon auction. Anita will make a card saying who donated it, and add "Meteorite Association of Ga" on it. Dave Gheesling said he has some meteorites to donate as door prizes.
Other Publicity Opportunities: Harlan suggested we put in a display case at one or more local libraries. This venue is more likely to be seen by younger adults and students. Security has not been an issue in the past as the display cases are lockable.
Speakers: Since the last meeting, David Hardy spoke to 75-80 5th graders at Eagle's Landing Christian Academy. Dave Gheesling spoke to 400 East Cobb Middle School children and about 150 Kennesaw Mountain high school kids. Dave has a small display of meteorites at the Elachee Nature Center. Jerry Armstrong announced one of his paintings will be on the cover of a new book on impact craters. Anita Westlake spoke to the Montgomery Gem and Mineral Society in Alabama on meteorites, and will speak to the Cotton Indian Gem and Mineral Society in May on the same topic. Anita is working on an article to be published in Meteorite magazine in the fall.
Website: Sean Murray has done an incredible job on our web site. He has jumped in with both feet and has created different types of maps to display Georgia falls, finds and tektite locations. He has updated our membership page with member's interests, removed our email addresses (to avoid spam) and has in general enjoying tweaking the site. Sean is also working on a mini-meteorite list where members can write in to this private listserv. He is eligible for at least two •gold stars• to be affixed to his forehead at the next MAG meeting.
Tellus Northwest Georgia Science Museum: MAG member, and Curator of the new Tellus museum, Julian Gray reported on construction progress. Tellus, located in Cartersville, GA. is hoping to open in the fall of 2008. They have designed a space for their meteorite collection, and are in the process of creating written panels describing their specimens. Dave and Anita have agreed to review the text for errors and omissions. MAG hopes to maintain a good working relationship with Tellus. We are currently in the process of planning our July (1st anniversary!) meeting there.
Treasury: Wayne Dodd has agreed to serve as our Treasurer. Anita will remove the funds from her "Escrow" account and transfer them to Wayne to monitor.
Trim Saw: Harlan brought his trim saw in case someone wanted to make big meteorites into little meteorites, but no one took advantage of this opportunity. He might not schlep it to the next meeting.
New Books, Journals on Meteorites: Anita brought in a couple of articles on tektites to share. Martha Brown brought in a book on the moon. The impact book that Jerry's artwork appears on is called "The Sedimentary Record of Meteorite Impacts" ed. By Kevin R. Evans, etc. It is Special Paper no. 437 of the Geological Society of America. It has 213 pages and is in press now. Contact www.geosociety.org/bookstore to order.
Announcements: Several members asked if we could change our meeting day from Saturdays to Sundays since many people have to work on Saturday. A tentative date of July 20th (a Sunday) is scheduled for our next meeting, possibly at the Tellus Museum in Cartersville.
Lunch: Dave G. provided a wonderful barbeque lunch.
Show/Tell/Trade: Dave G. and others brought lots of material for trading. A good time was had by all. Anita sold a duplicate Robert Haag Catalog. A couple of members got their very first meteorite at this meeting. (Warning: there's no turning back now!)
After Meeting Discussions: Richard Graveline (Membership) and Anita are discussing ways to welcome new members. If you have any thoughts, please share them with us.
Anita D. Westlake, MAG President |
January 12th, 2008:
East Point, GA Anita Westlake residence |
Meeting was called to order at 11:30 a.m.
Anita D. Westlake, MAG President |
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or additions... Thank you!