Apply for Membership

Please submit an application for membership below:

Personal Information: 

*Full Name: 

A Name is required

An Email Address is required

Invalid Email Address

Pleas enter a 5-digit zip code

Invalid Number (use: 000-000-0000)

Additional Information:
Why do you wish to join? (~100 words):
If you have a Website, enter the URL here:

Invalid URL - (use http://xxx.yyy.zzz)
Areas Of Interest: 

Any meteorite Specialties?:

Activities & studies:

Other Interests: 


Other Organizations: 


*I am interested in the following membership type: 

Individual Membership:   $25.00 Annual   $200.00 Lifetime
Family Membership:   $40.00 Annual   $320.00 Lifetime
Student Membership:   $10.00 Annual  

* These fields are required!

Send payment by check or money order to:
Meteorite Association of Georgia
C/O Wayne Dodd, Treasurer
10495 Stonefield Landing
Duluth, GA 30097

Annual membership dues are payable every January 1st
Student membership requires copy of valid student ID

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